As Kiwis we love sport and we love summer, but it’s important to look after yourself out there. Here are Dynamic Physio’s top 5 tips for exercising during the hot summer months:
Be sun smart
New Zealanders have the highest rates of Melanoma in the world. Make sure you protect yourself if you are out in the sun at any time of day but using a good sunscreen, wearing a hat, and sunglasses if possible.
Avoid dehydration
It seems simple but too many of us forget to stay hydrated while we’re exercising, especially in the heat. Make sure you drink enough water throughout the day, and during exercise, to replace what you lose through sweat.
Be aware of your body’s reaction to the heat
Everybody has a slightly different tolerance for hot weather. The key is to pay attention to your body, and if you feel dizzy, nauseous or even just overly fatigued – then take a rest straight away! Sit somewhere cool, drink some water and wait until you feel better.
Re-hydrate adequately
We all know to drink water after exercise in order to re-hydrate our bodies. But you should also consciously drink water for the hours following any sport to ensure proper recovery. The test is to keep hydrating until your wee is clear!
Allow rest and take it easy
During hot weather you may find that you get tired more quickly, and some days you might not feel like exercising at all. It’s ok to take a break when you need it, or modify your routine to adapt to the weather conditions. Perhaps you might exercise in the early morning when it’s cooler, or add in some swimming as cross training.
The most important thing when exercising in hot weather is to listen to your body and enjoy yourself!
And remember, if we can help sort out any aches, pains or niggles – get in touch with Dynamic Physio for a free consultation.