Behind “Free under ACC” scene
These days there are a lot of Physio clinics advertising that they are “Free under ACC”. This basically means they don’t charge you any fees on top of what they receive from the ACC to cover your treatment.
If you have injured yourself It makes sense that you would look for a Physiotherapist based on a balance between getting quality treatment and saving money.
These “Free” physio clinics are often staffed by less qualified and less experienced therapists, because they make their money through sheer volumes of patients. This can mean that your injury takes much longer to heal, or you may receive inappropriate treatments which can even make things worse.
Often it can be worth the small surcharge payment to visit a better quality Physiotherapist, as you’ll have peace of mind you are in good hands.
At Dynamic Physio we pride ourselves on skilled, quality physiotherapy treatment. We aim to take care of your whole wellbeing and get you back to normal activities faster.
If you are covered by ACC your first session will be free, and follow up sessions just $15 (less if you are a concession card holder).